Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Journal of Drug Designing- Lupine Publishers

Science and War Through the Ages by Benjamín Ruiz Loyola in DDIPIJ in Lupine Publishers.

In all animal species competition between individuals is presented to obtain mainly food and reproduction; When there are not enough satisfiers, there are disputes that usually stop when there is a winner, without individuals dying. The defeated one retires, and the winner is satisfied with the victory and, eventually, with the dominion over the rest of the group, which implies that he will eat and mate before the others. So far, animals do not have too much trouble. But the human is a very special animal, because he has a memory.Remembering the past allows you to anticipate the future; the loser analyzes the reasons that made his opponent win and plans how to win in the next match. The winner does the same to strengthen their strengths, overcome the weak and anticipate the actions of the opponent, exactly as in a game of chess. It then presents the convenience of killing the loser, in order to avoid his rematch and let future challengers know what to expect. When it is evident that a combat between individuals anticipates a defeat, it is sought to go for reinforcements thus forming the first armies, often initiated by groups of losers who seek to defeat the former winner. And so, a chain is generated. In a short time, human beings begin to wage war not because the species is more violent, but because it is more intelligent. Precisely, knowledge is constructed from remembering, analyzing, anticipating and reproducing, in such a way that the human being builds his knowledge in charitable matters and in others that are rather negative.To know more click on below link.


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