Friday, March 29, 2019

Intellectual Property Journal-Lupine Publishers

State Department evacuates a number of Americans from the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, China after they experienced unexplained health issues. A group of U.S. diplomats stationed in China have been brought back to the states after being inflicted by a mystery illness that reportedly resembles the brain injuries previously suffered by staff in Cuba. Heather Nauert, a State Department spokeswoman, said in a statement that the individuals from the U.S. office in Guangzhou were returned home for further evaluation. It was unclear if there was any connection to last year’s situation in Cuba where 24 US government employees experienced a range of ailments after hearing an unusual sound.To know more click on below link.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Drug Designing & Intellectual Properties journals-Lupine Publishers

Molecular modeling attempts to study the function, structure and inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme due to the fact that the inhibition of this enzyme is importance to medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, myasthenia gravis and Parkinson’s disease, and it is also important in eminent toxicological susceptibility to nerve agents. In this study we present an approach for forecasting the inhibitory activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors by using docking studies. The docking studies were done on acetylcholinesterase to attain the conformation of the enzyme in water surroundings. The obtained conformation of the enzyme was used for docking with four inhibitors (physostigmine, neostigmine, pyridostigmine and rivastigmine). Docking analysis showed that hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions play important tasks in the acetylcholinesterase -inhibitor complex. Subsequently, all inhibitors that bind at the catalytic site of acetylcholinesterase and their interactions with acetylcholinesterase were studied. In addition, conformation stability of acetylcholinesterase -inhibitors was studied using simulation docking technique. The complex showed that acetylcholinesterase conformation did not change significantly in the presence of the four inhibitors. This paper showed important studies on acetylcholinesterase and assists to illuminate the four inhibitors interdependencies using molecular modeling.

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Friday, March 22, 2019

Journal of Drug Design and Development-Lupine Publishers

Ionic liquids considered to be a reasonably current magical chemical due their unique properties, have a large variety of applications in all areas of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The areas of application consist electrolyte in batteries, lubricants, plasticizers, solvents and catalysis in synthesis, matrices for mass spectroscopy, solvents to manufacture nano-materials, extraction, gas absorption agents, etc. Non-volatility and nonflammability are their widespread characteristics giving them a beneficial edge in a variety of applications. Ionic liquids can be considered as green solvents due to their very low vapor pressure and wide range of applications with unique physical and chemical properties. Ionic liquids use for clean and efficient energy, through the development of a broad swath of energy technologies, such as advanced batteries, dye-sensitized solar cells, double layer capacitors, actuators, fuel cells, thermo-cells, and water splitting, essentially related to highly efficient carbon capture and storage technologies and resource efficiency to date.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Lupine Publishers-Journal of Intellectual Properties

Chagas disease is a protozoan infection which was first identified more than one hundred years ago. But even now, drugs to treat the latent and chronic phases of the disease are not available. The success of a drug design is highly dependent on activity and toxicity. In the case of Chagas disease, questions remain as to identifying the best treatment (mainly for the chronic phase), and how new drugs and drug combinations compare to current therapy. The principal priority of this mini-review is to report the enormous difficulty that pharmaceutical chemists encounter in the development of new drugs for neglected tropical infectious diseases, in this case Chagas disease.

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Friday, March 15, 2019

Lupine Publishers-Journal of Drug Design and Research

The indication includes a variety of drug names and information about how to use them for diseases. Used drug terms and names for the development of pharmacy, and types of drugs provides information on the methods of treatment.
Urağun: bitter drug, poison: Beδük bir biçäkig Elikdä tutar
Solındın urağun oŋındın şäkär. “Holding a big knife, on the left side – similar drugs, on the right side sugar syrup” (757-couplet). “In the ancient Turkic language,” the word urağun meant one of the bitter liquid of Indian oldest drugs (DTС, 614). R.Arat gives his opinion about this medicine “Hindistandan gelen bir ilâç” [1]. As mentioned in couplet if oppressed or violated man could find justice from the ruler he could be treated with syrup. In contrast violent and oppressor and unfair man were forced to drink from poison. By the justification of the ruler oppressors were suffering of drinking uragun (poison). The word uragun was mentioned above was used in figurative sense, the citizens of Kuntugdi based on the ideas of justice and to show that the evil of oppressors are sentenced to achieve for the justification.

Ötrüm: dehydration which was used for cleaning body. In the indication is noted that when Oytoldi was ill doctors advised her to take out some of her blood. Mean while, she was advised by other doctors to take ötrüm: Qayu aydı ötrüm içürgü keräk. Özin qatmış emdi boşutğu keräk . “Some of them told: to take drug for dehydration as cannot digest, intestines must be softened”(1045- couplet).To know more click on below link.

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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Intellectual Property Journal- Lupine Publishers

Successively Substituting an Additional 4-(2-Aminoethyl) Aniline Group in Fabricated Isoindoline-1,3-Dione Scaffold Enhances the Antimicrobial Potency: Part II of Research by Debarshi Kar Mahapatra in DDIPIJ in Lupine Publishers

The irrational use of antimicrobial agents for several decades has led to the drug-resistance among the patient population. Overcoming the present drug-resistance is a major challenge for modern day scientists. In order to counter this problem, several approaches have been utilized, one of which involve drug design and discovery, where new classes or unexplored chemical moieties are explored for a particular activity, either serendipitously or quite rationally. Learning lessons from the previously synthesized four compounds (Part-I of Research), we have now (Part-II of Research) designed two compounds (3 and 5) by incorporating an additional 4-(2-aminoethyl)aniline group in the fabricated isoindoline-1,3-dione scaffold by successive synthetic step utilizing similar protocol and screened them against the above four mentioned pathogenic microbes in a similar way. The present exploration is an attempt to rationally overcome the microbial drug resistance by the efficacious and potent nature of the compounds. Compound (5) exhibited the highest activity against A. niger with ZOI diameter of >29mm. All the compounds showed more or less nearly the same activity. From this study, it may be concluded that substituting the amine/amide-based components leads to an increase in the potency of the compared along with better-anti-fungal activity. Therefore, the current exploration helped to design the compounds which have better potency than our previous reports and also providing imperative knowledge regarding the selection of the substituents. The encouraging results will further motivate us in developing novel and better inhibitors of phthalimide scaffold in the future.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

journal of Drug Designing- Lupine Publishers

Cytotoxicity and Antioxidant Potentials of Barringtonia Asiatica Essential Oil by Isaac John Umaru in DDIPIJ in Lupine Publishers

Essential oils are liquid mixture of volatile compound obtained from aromatic plants. It was observed that many essential oils have antioxidant properties and can present antimicrobial activities. The Aim of the present study were:
a) to determine the cytotoxicity lethality of the leafs and stem-bark of Barringtonia asiatica using brine shrimp (Artimia salina).

b) to evaluate the antioxidant potential of composition of the leaf and stem-bark essential oil using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging assay. The essential oil exhibited a mild toxicity and significant IC50 of 36.55μg/mL and 22.10μg/mL value of antioxidant potential leaf and stem-bark of Barringtonia asiatica respectively.

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